oleh Tarmizi | |||
Presentasi oleh Penulis Juli 2009 di Sahid Jaya Hotel Jakarta |
Membicarakan mengenai tumbuhan, tentu kita telah membayangkan bahwa tumbuhan itu terdiri dari akar, batang, cabang dan ranting (jika ada), daun serta bunga atau buah. Sedang obat adalah bahan atau zat yang dimasukkan ke dalam tubuh dengan takaran tertentu untuk mengubah suatu proses biologis atau kimiawi.
Sumatera merupakan satu dari beberapa pulau terbesar dunia yang kaya dengan berbagai barang galian, seperti minyak, gas bumi dan batu bara berperan penting dalam perekonomian bangsa Indonesia, sedangkan flora dan faunanya dengan keragaman dan keunikan yang khas juga merupakan aset yang tak ternilai harganya.
Sumatera merupakan satu dari beberapa pulau terbesar dunia yang kaya dengan berbagai barang galian, seperti minyak, gas bumi dan batu bara berperan penting dalam perekonomian bangsa Indonesia, sedangkan flora dan faunanya dengan keragaman dan keunikan yang khas juga merupakan aset yang tak ternilai harganya.
![]() Topografi Pulau Sumatera | |
![]() | |
Geografi | |
Lokasi | Asia Tenggara |
Koordinat | 0°00′ LU 102°00′ BT |
Secara geografis, Sumatera di khatulistiwa dengan iklim tropika, dimana hanya ditemukan musim hujan dan kemarau. Keadaan ini merupakan habitat yang ideal bagi beragam jenis flora dan fauna tropika.
Kekayaan Hutan tropis dan sumber daya alam
Menurut Prof. Dr. Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Guru besar jurusan kimia ITB, di muka bumi terdapat 5 hingga 30 juta spesies kehidupan, jumlah yang pasti belum diketahui. Satu setengah juta spesies telah dikenal, 54% terdapat di hutan tropis, di "tujuh negara mega-diversity" termasuk Indonesia. Banyak spesies yang terdapat di hutan tropis tidak ditemukan di belahan bumi manapun. Pada satu hektar hutan Kalimantan ditemukan 700 spesies pohon. Keaneka ragaman spesies dapat timbul karena rintangan geografis; air, pegunungan dan sebagianya. Karenanya pulau-pulau menampung spesies lokal yang khas.
Sejak awal "civilization" tanaman telah dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pangan, sandang, energi, dan sumber bahan kimia untuk obat-obatan, insektisida, wangi-wangian, zat warna dan keperluan lain. Dua puluh lima persen dari seluruh obat yang diperdagangkan berasal dari tanaman tersebut adalah tanaman tropis. Banyak spesies tanaman hutan tropis belum dimanfaatkan. 1400 spesies ta.naman hutan tropis mungkin berguna untuk penyembuhan penyakit kanker.
Meijer (1982) mengemukakan bahwa sumatera sangat kaya dengan jenis tetumbuhan yang banyak ditemukan di hutan, lebih kaya dari flora Jawa dan Sulawesi dan berimbang dengan flora Kalimantan dan Irian. Para ahli sepakat bahwa hutan tropis merupakan gudang senyawa organik terbesar di dunia.
Pengetahuan tentang penggunaan tumbuhan, khususnya sebagai racun dan obat hanya diajarkan pada keluarga dekat atau orang yang cukup dipercaya dan tidak diajarkan sembarangan pada orang lain, karena pengetahuan ini dianggap mempunyai nilai strategis.
Biasanya sipemilik pengetahuan ini dalam masyarakat dikenal dengan dukun atau pawang dan mempunyai kedudukan yang cukup dihormati.
Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain, Dosen senior jurusan Farmasi UNAND padang, telah mulai menginventaris tumbuhan dan survey fitokimia sejak 1982. ia mengakui bahwa memang tidak mudah untuk menarik korelasi kandungan metabolit sekunder tumbuhan yang bisa dideteksi dengan penggunaan tradisional. Kesulitan ini ditambah lagi dengan kebia-san pengobatan tradisional dalam bentuk "ramuan" yang terdiri dari bermacam bagian dan jenis tumbuhan dan juga tidak jarang ramuan ini disertai dengan bahan yang bewrasal dri hewan dan mineral.
Berdasarkan hasil uji kandungan metabolit sekunder dan penggunaan tradisional dari 1125 jenis tumbuhan koleksinya, Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain memilih beberapa jenis untuk dipelajari kandungan kimianya. Puluhan hasil penelitiannya telah dipublikasikan di luar negeri, terutama lewat "Aust. J. Chem." di australia dan pada beberapa jurnal lainnya.
Beberapa tumbuhan obat yang sudah teruji
Kabupaten Sijunjung
Margarita indica yang di Sijunjung dikenal dengan Silalak Kulik, digunakan sebagai ramuan KB ditemukan mengandung kelompok alkaloida yang cukup terkenal dengan aktivitas biologisnya "alka-loida securinega", seperti sekurinina, allosekurinina, fillantina, sekuritinina dan beberapa alkaloida baru 15-L-metoksidihidrofil-lokrisinina, margaritarina dan urinol A. Allosekurinina ditemukan aktif menimbulkan kontraksi uterus pada tikus percobaan. Sapium baccatum yang di Baso-Bukittinggi digunakan sebagai ramuan obat "bengek" ditemukan mengandung alkaloida baru yang diberi nama bukittingina. Senyawa ini beraktivitas analgetika dan kontraksi otot polos. Antidesma montana yang dikenal dengan nama daerah Bonai ditemukan mengandung peptida DA 240-1 dan DA 240-2. Antidesma tetrandra yang di Sungai Dareh dikenal dengan Bonai Tanduk mengandung peptida baru DA 599-1 dan DA 599-2. Kedua jenis bonai ini secara tradisional digunakan sebagai "obat panas". (Tarmizi, Panasea Maret 1993).
Famili Rubiaceae yang cukup terkenal seperti kina, kopi, ipeka dan yang lain., ternyata cukup banyak jenisnya di Sumatera serta masih belum diteliti kandungan kimia dan aktivitas biologisnya. Cephaelis stipulaceae yang di Gunung Sago dikenal dengan kopi-kopi dan digunakan sebagai ramuan obat batuk mengandung gramina dengan kadar tinggi. Lerchea bracleata di Anai digunakan sebagai ramuan obat kulit, mengandung alkoloida baru lerkieina yang terbukti aktif menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri sta-pilococcus aureus. Uncaria glabrata di Panti sebagai obat keracunan, mengandung alkaloida glikosida baru glabratina yang dari pemeriksaan pendahuluan aktivitas farmakologisnya memperli-hatkan efek nyata depresi susunan syaraf pusat dan alkaloida lain yang telah dikenal unkarina dan mitrafillina. Salah satu genus famili Rubaceae yang menarik perhatian khusus adalah ophiorrhiza, dimana salah satu dari jenis ini, O. mungos yang merupakan obat tradisional India terbukti aktif terhadap virus dan tumor karena danya alkakoida kamtotesina dan 10-metoksikamptotesina. Di Anai ditemukan O. discolor yang ternyata mengandung tetrahidroalstoni-na beraktivitas menimbulkan dilatasi pada pembuluh darah otak. O. major yang ditemukan mengandung alkaloida baru tipe sinkonamina yang disebut ofiorrizina.
Batang Anai
Batang Anai
Jembatan rel kereta api yang melintasi Batang Anai
Sago | |
![]() Gunung Sago | |
Ketinggian | 2.261 m (7 ft) [1] |
Daftar | Ribu |
Berikut ini dapat dilihat spesies, nama daerah dan tempat ditemukan, kandungan kimia serta kegunaan atau khasiat tumbuhan obat Sumatra yang telah diuji, diantaranya: O.cf.ferruginea mengandung dihidrosikloakogerina, mostuerina, isomelindina. O. filistipula di Lintau mengandung normalindina, 7-metoksikamtote-sina, asam striktosidinat. Ophoriza x (belum diidentifikasi),di Gunung Tandikat mengandung tetrahidroalstonina. Picrasma javanica kayu paik di Bukittinggi mengandung dehidrokrenatina, krenatina, 8-hidroksidehidrokrenatina, 8-hidroksikrenatina, kuassinoida DA 230-Q1 dan DA 230-Q2 untuk obat penyakit kulit dan obat kuat. Pellacalyx axillaris sikek-sikek di Ulu Gadut mengandung sinna-moylnortropana. Rauwolfia sumatrana kayu goti di Pasaman mengandung 12-hidroksi akuamilan-12-karboksilat, daunnya untuk obat demam. Chilocarpus denudatus mengandung desasetil pikralina, razinilam. Voacanga foetida mengandung vobtusina, vobtusina lakton, voakagina. Phoebe lanceolata famili lauraceae mengandung nordisentrina, disentrinona. Litsea elliptica di Payakumbuh mengandung retikulina, 10-undekene-2-on, tridekena-2-on pengusir kutu busuk. catinodaphne sesquipelaris mengandung aktino dafnina. catinodaphne glomerata mengandung aktino dafnina dan listirenina. catinodaphne golara mengandung lastourvillina, flavinatina. Ardisia sumatrana mengandung pallidina, armepavina. Spilanthes ocimifolia mengandung spilantol untuk pengusir serangga perusak pakaian dan buku. Evodia cf. trichotama mengandung magnokuranina.
Kota Bukittinggi
Jam Gadang Bukittinggi
Kota Bukittinggi
Jam Gadang Bukittinggi
Tindak lanjut
Bisnis obat yang berasal dari tumbuhan ini sangat besar, mencapai US$ 57 miliyar per tahun (Lewis, 1991), sedangkan keuntungan yang mengalir kembali pada negara asal tumbuhan terse-but hampir tidak ada. Juga tidak jarang yang "mencuri" dengan cara membayar penduduk yang awam untuk mengumpulkan jenis-jenis tumbuhan tertentu dan kemudian diselundupkan ke negara mereka untuk dipelajari.
Semoga saja tumbuhan Sumatera ini khususnya yang berpotensi sebagai obat akan dapat diteliti, dipelajari dan dikembangkan, baik untuk transfer sains dan teknologi maupun ekonomi dan industri, sehingga terlihat nyata bahwa hutan tropis dan biota Sumatera ini memang milik orang Sumatera pada khususnya dan bangsa Indonesia pada umunya. (Tarmizi, B.Sc, S.Pd/ Universitas Negeri Padang)
1) Dayar Arbain, Satu Dekade Penelitian Kimia Tumbuhan Obat Sumatera Makalah, 1992 Jurusan Farmasi UNAND.
2) D. Lewis, West Australian, May, 24, 1991.
3) Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Ilmu Kimia Sebagai Ujung Tombak Dalam Pemanfaatan Hutan Tropis Secara Aman dan Berkelanjutan Makalah, 1992, Jurusan Kimia ITB.
4) Van Steenis, C.G.G.J., Flora Malesiana, vol. I, cxlv, (P. Noordhoff Ltd. Hearlem, 1950).
5) W.Meijer, Indonesia Circle, 1982, 25

Professor Dayar Arbain, Apt., is a Professor of Pharmacy/Organic Chemistry (University of Western Australia, 1986) and senior lecturer from Pharmaceutical Department of Faculty of Farmacy, University of Andalas, Padang, Indonesia. I have been one of his students more than 19 years since I became a student in the same department in 1989.
Since 1994, He has been my supervisor for my first degree in Pharmacy, in 1999 he supervised me for completing my master degree in Natural Products Chemistry and 2004 he supported and supervised for my PhD degree at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
I hope his advised, guidance and collaboration will continue forever. Insya Allah.
Pekanbaru, March 23, 2007
(HKBAI Seminar)
by Tarmizi, B. Sc, S. Pd
Talking about plants, of course we have to imagine that it consists of plant roots, stems, branches and twigs (if any), leaf and flower or fruit. 'm Drug material or substance which is inserted into the body with certain doses to alter a biological or chemical processes.
Sumatra is one of several of the world's largest island with a rich variety of mineral goods, such as oil, natural gas and coal play an important role in the economy of Indonesia, while the flora and fauna with the diversity and uniqueness that is also typical of an invaluable asset.
Geographically, Sumatra on the equator with a tropical climate, which is only found in the rainy and dry seasons. This situation is an ideal habitat for diverse species of tropical flora and fauna. Richness of tropical forests and natural resources
According to Prof. Dr. Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Professor of Chemical majors ITB, on earth there are 5 to 30 million species of life, a definite number is not known. One and a half million species have been known, 54% found in tropical forests, in the "seven-state mega-diversity", including Indonesia. Many species are found in tropical forests are not found in any hemisphere. On one hectare of forest of Borneo discovered 700 species of trees. Species diversity may arise because of geographic barriers, water, mountains and sebagianya. Because of the islands to accommodate the unique local species.
Since the beginning of "civilization" has been used as a source of plant food, clothing, energy, and source of chemicals for drugs, insecticides, perfumes, dyes and other purposes. Twenty-five percent of all trafficked drugs derived from these plants are tropical plants. Many tropical forest tree species has not been utilized. 1400 species of tropical forest the plants may be useful for treatment of cancer.
Meijer (1982) suggests that the Sumatran is very rich in species of plants which are found in the forest, richer than the flora of Java and Sulawesi, and balanced with the flora of Borneo and New Guinea. Experts agree that the tropical forest is the largest repository of organic compounds in the world.
Knowledge of the use of plants, especially as poison and medicine is taught only in close family or person who is trusted and is not taught haphazardly on others, because this knowledge is deemed to have strategic value. Usually sipemilik this knowledge in the community known as the shaman or the handler and has a well-respected position.
Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain, Senior Lecturer Department of Pharmacy UNAND desert, had begun to inventory the plants and phytochemical survey since 1982. he admits that it's not easy to draw a correlation of plant secondary metabolites that can be detected by traditional usage. The difficulty is compounded by the custom-san traditional medicine in the form of "potion" that consisted of various sections and types of plants and herbs are also not infrequently is accompanied by materials which bewrasal dri animals and minerals.
Based on test results of secondary metabolites and the traditional use of the 1125 collection of plant species, Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain choose several types to be studied levels of the chemical. Dozens of research results have been published abroad, especially through the "Aust. J. Chem." in Australia and in several other journals. Some herbs that have been tested
Margarita indica in Sijunjung known Silalak Kulik, used as ingredients KB was found contain a fairly well-known group of alkaloids with biological activity "Alka-loida securinega", such as sekurinina, allosekurinina, fillantina, sekuritinina and some new alkaloids 15-L-metoksidihidrofil-lokrisinina , margaritarina and urinol A. Allosekurinina found active cause uterine contractions in mice.
Sapium baccatum in Baso-Bukittinggi used as a medicinal herb "asthma" was found to contain a new alkaloid, named bukittingina. This compound analgesic activity and smooth muscle contraction. Antidesma montana known Bonai area found to contain peptides DA DA 240-1 and 240-2. Antidesma tetrandra in Dareh River known as the Horn Bonai new peptides containing DA DA 599-1 and 599-2. Both types of bonai is traditionally used as a "hot drug". (Tarmizi, Panasea March 1993).
Rubiaceae family is quite famous, such as quinine, coffee, and other ipeka., It turns out quite a lot of its kind in Sumatra, and is not studied chemical constituents and biological activity. Cephaelis stipulaceae in Mount Sago known coffees and used as a cough medicine ingredient containing gramina with high levels. Lerchea bracleata at Anai used as a medicinal herb skin, containing new alkoloida lerkieina which proved active inhibit bacterial growth sta-pilococcus aureus. Uncaria glabrata in the orphanage as drug toxicity, contain a new alkaloid glycosides from glabratina a preliminary examination farmakologisnya activity memperli-hatkan real effects the central nervous system depression and other alkaloids that have been known unkarina and mitrafillina. One of the interesting genus of family Rubaceae special attention is ophiorrhiza, where one of this type, O. mungos which is a traditional Indian medicine proved active against viruses and tumors because of him alkakoida kamtotesina and 10-metoksikamptotesina. In Anai found O. discolor which turned out to contain tetrahidroalstoni-na move cause dilation of blood vessels of the brain. O. major alkaloid found containing a new type called ofiorrizina sinkonamina.
The following can be seen species, local names and places discovered, the chemical content and the usefulness or efficacy of medicinal plants of Sumatra that have been tested, including: O.cf.ferruginea contain dihidrosikloakogerina, mostuerina, isomelindina. O. filistipula in Lintau contain normalindina, 7-metoksikamtote-Sina, striktosidinat acid. Ophoriza x (not identified), on Mount Tandikat contain tetrahidroalstonina. Javanica Picrasma timber containing dehidrokrenatina Paik in Bukittinggi, krenatina, 8-hidroksidehidrokrenatina, 8-hidroksikrenatina, kuassinoida DA 230 and DA 230-Q1-Q2 for medicine and tonic skin diseases. Pellacalyx axillary Sikek-Sikek in Ulu Gadut contain sinna-moylnortropana. Rauwolfia sumatrana Goti in Pasaman timber containing 12-hydroxy-12-carboxylic akuamilan, leaves to cure fever. Chilocarpus denudatus contain desasetil pikralina, razinilam. Voacanga foetida contains vobtusina, vobtusina lactone, voakagina. Phoebe lanceolata contain nordisentrina family Lauraceae, disentrinona. Litsea elliptica in Payakumbuh contain retikulina, 10-undekene-2-on, tridekena-2-on repellent bedbugs. catinodaphne sesquipelaris contain aktino dafnina. catinodaphne glomerata contain aktino dafnina and listirenina. catinodaphne golara contain lastourvillina, flavinatina. Ardisia sumatrana contain pallidina, armepavina. Spilanthes spilantol ocimifolia containing insect repellent to clothing and books. Evodia cf. trichotama contain magnokuranina. Follow-up
Business drugs derived from plants is very large, reaching U.S. $ 57 billion per year (Lewis, 1991), while the profits flow back to the country of origin of plant-terse-but almost non-existent. It is also not uncommon that "steal" in a way that ordinary people pay to collect certain types of plants and then smuggled into their country to be studied.
Hopefully this particular plant Sumatra potential as a drug will be studied, learned and developed, both for the transfer of science and technology and economy and industry, so it looks obvious that tropical forests and biota of Sumatra, this is indeed the people of Sumatra in particular and Indonesia in general . (Tarmizi, B. Sc, S. Pd / State University of Padang)
1) Dayar Arbain, Satu Dekade Penelitian Kimia Tumbuhan Obat Sumatera Makalah, 1992 Jurusan Farmasi UNAND.
2) D. Lewis, West Australian, May, 24, 1991.
3) Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Ilmu Kimia Sebagai Ujung Tombak Dalam Pemanfaatan Hutan Tropis Secara Aman dan Berkelanjutan Makalah, 1992, Jurusan Kimia ITB.
4) Van Steenis, C.G.G.J., Flora Malesiana, vol. I, cxlv, (P. Noordhoff Ltd. Hearlem, 1950).
5) W.Meijer, Indonesia Circle, 1982, 25
Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain, Apt.
Posted by: emrizal on: September 16, 2008

Professor Dayar Arbain, Apt., is a Professor of Pharmacy/Organic Chemistry (University of Western Australia, 1986) and senior lecturer from Pharmaceutical Department of Faculty of Farmacy, University of Andalas, Padang, Indonesia. I have been one of his students more than 19 years since I became a student in the same department in 1989.
Since 1994, He has been my supervisor for my first degree in Pharmacy, in 1999 he supervised me for completing my master degree in Natural Products Chemistry and 2004 he supported and supervised for my PhD degree at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
I hope his advised, guidance and collaboration will continue forever. Insya Allah.
Pekanbaru, March 23, 2007
(HKBAI Seminar)
by Tarmizi, B. Sc, S. Pd
Talking about plants, of course we have to imagine that it consists of plant roots, stems, branches and twigs (if any), leaf and flower or fruit. 'm Drug material or substance which is inserted into the body with certain doses to alter a biological or chemical processes.
Sumatra is one of several of the world's largest island with a rich variety of mineral goods, such as oil, natural gas and coal play an important role in the economy of Indonesia, while the flora and fauna with the diversity and uniqueness that is also typical of an invaluable asset.
Geographically, Sumatra on the equator with a tropical climate, which is only found in the rainy and dry seasons. This situation is an ideal habitat for diverse species of tropical flora and fauna. Richness of tropical forests and natural resources
According to Prof. Dr. Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Professor of Chemical majors ITB, on earth there are 5 to 30 million species of life, a definite number is not known. One and a half million species have been known, 54% found in tropical forests, in the "seven-state mega-diversity", including Indonesia. Many species are found in tropical forests are not found in any hemisphere. On one hectare of forest of Borneo discovered 700 species of trees. Species diversity may arise because of geographic barriers, water, mountains and sebagianya. Because of the islands to accommodate the unique local species.
Since the beginning of "civilization" has been used as a source of plant food, clothing, energy, and source of chemicals for drugs, insecticides, perfumes, dyes and other purposes. Twenty-five percent of all trafficked drugs derived from these plants are tropical plants. Many tropical forest tree species has not been utilized. 1400 species of tropical forest the plants may be useful for treatment of cancer.
Meijer (1982) suggests that the Sumatran is very rich in species of plants which are found in the forest, richer than the flora of Java and Sulawesi, and balanced with the flora of Borneo and New Guinea. Experts agree that the tropical forest is the largest repository of organic compounds in the world.
Knowledge of the use of plants, especially as poison and medicine is taught only in close family or person who is trusted and is not taught haphazardly on others, because this knowledge is deemed to have strategic value. Usually sipemilik this knowledge in the community known as the shaman or the handler and has a well-respected position.
Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain, Senior Lecturer Department of Pharmacy UNAND desert, had begun to inventory the plants and phytochemical survey since 1982. he admits that it's not easy to draw a correlation of plant secondary metabolites that can be detected by traditional usage. The difficulty is compounded by the custom-san traditional medicine in the form of "potion" that consisted of various sections and types of plants and herbs are also not infrequently is accompanied by materials which bewrasal dri animals and minerals.
Based on test results of secondary metabolites and the traditional use of the 1125 collection of plant species, Prof. Dr. Dayar Arbain choose several types to be studied levels of the chemical. Dozens of research results have been published abroad, especially through the "Aust. J. Chem." in Australia and in several other journals. Some herbs that have been tested
Margarita indica in Sijunjung known Silalak Kulik, used as ingredients KB was found contain a fairly well-known group of alkaloids with biological activity "Alka-loida securinega", such as sekurinina, allosekurinina, fillantina, sekuritinina and some new alkaloids 15-L-metoksidihidrofil-lokrisinina , margaritarina and urinol A. Allosekurinina found active cause uterine contractions in mice.
Sapium baccatum in Baso-Bukittinggi used as a medicinal herb "asthma" was found to contain a new alkaloid, named bukittingina. This compound analgesic activity and smooth muscle contraction. Antidesma montana known Bonai area found to contain peptides DA DA 240-1 and 240-2. Antidesma tetrandra in Dareh River known as the Horn Bonai new peptides containing DA DA 599-1 and 599-2. Both types of bonai is traditionally used as a "hot drug". (Tarmizi, Panasea March 1993).
Rubiaceae family is quite famous, such as quinine, coffee, and other ipeka., It turns out quite a lot of its kind in Sumatra, and is not studied chemical constituents and biological activity. Cephaelis stipulaceae in Mount Sago known coffees and used as a cough medicine ingredient containing gramina with high levels. Lerchea bracleata at Anai used as a medicinal herb skin, containing new alkoloida lerkieina which proved active inhibit bacterial growth sta-pilococcus aureus. Uncaria glabrata in the orphanage as drug toxicity, contain a new alkaloid glycosides from glabratina a preliminary examination farmakologisnya activity memperli-hatkan real effects the central nervous system depression and other alkaloids that have been known unkarina and mitrafillina. One of the interesting genus of family Rubaceae special attention is ophiorrhiza, where one of this type, O. mungos which is a traditional Indian medicine proved active against viruses and tumors because of him alkakoida kamtotesina and 10-metoksikamptotesina. In Anai found O. discolor which turned out to contain tetrahidroalstoni-na move cause dilation of blood vessels of the brain. O. major alkaloid found containing a new type called ofiorrizina sinkonamina.
The following can be seen species, local names and places discovered, the chemical content and the usefulness or efficacy of medicinal plants of Sumatra that have been tested, including: O.cf.ferruginea contain dihidrosikloakogerina, mostuerina, isomelindina. O. filistipula in Lintau contain normalindina, 7-metoksikamtote-Sina, striktosidinat acid. Ophoriza x (not identified), on Mount Tandikat contain tetrahidroalstonina. Javanica Picrasma timber containing dehidrokrenatina Paik in Bukittinggi, krenatina, 8-hidroksidehidrokrenatina, 8-hidroksikrenatina, kuassinoida DA 230 and DA 230-Q1-Q2 for medicine and tonic skin diseases. Pellacalyx axillary Sikek-Sikek in Ulu Gadut contain sinna-moylnortropana. Rauwolfia sumatrana Goti in Pasaman timber containing 12-hydroxy-12-carboxylic akuamilan, leaves to cure fever. Chilocarpus denudatus contain desasetil pikralina, razinilam. Voacanga foetida contains vobtusina, vobtusina lactone, voakagina. Phoebe lanceolata contain nordisentrina family Lauraceae, disentrinona. Litsea elliptica in Payakumbuh contain retikulina, 10-undekene-2-on, tridekena-2-on repellent bedbugs. catinodaphne sesquipelaris contain aktino dafnina. catinodaphne glomerata contain aktino dafnina and listirenina. catinodaphne golara contain lastourvillina, flavinatina. Ardisia sumatrana contain pallidina, armepavina. Spilanthes spilantol ocimifolia containing insect repellent to clothing and books. Evodia cf. trichotama contain magnokuranina. Follow-up
Business drugs derived from plants is very large, reaching U.S. $ 57 billion per year (Lewis, 1991), while the profits flow back to the country of origin of plant-terse-but almost non-existent. It is also not uncommon that "steal" in a way that ordinary people pay to collect certain types of plants and then smuggled into their country to be studied.
Hopefully this particular plant Sumatra potential as a drug will be studied, learned and developed, both for the transfer of science and technology and economy and industry, so it looks obvious that tropical forests and biota of Sumatra, this is indeed the people of Sumatra in particular and Indonesia in general . (Tarmizi, B. Sc, S. Pd / State University of Padang)
Referensi: 1) Dayar Arbain, Satu Dekade Penelitian Kimia Tumbuhan Obat Sumatera Makalah, 1992 Jurusan Farmasi UNAND. 2) D. Lewis, West Australian, May, 24, 1991. 3) Sjamsul Arifin Ahmad, Ilmu Kimia Sebagai Ujung Tombak Dalam Pemanfaatan Hutan Tropis Secara Aman dan Berkelanjutan Makalah, 1992, Jurusan Kimia ITB. 4) Van Steenis, C.G.G.J., Flora Malesiana, vol. I, cxlv, (P. Noordhoff Ltd. Hearlem, 1950). 5) W.Meijer, Indonesia Circle, 1982, 25
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