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Wednesday, February 29, 2012
About the problem Snack
By: Tarmizi, Bsc., S.Pd
Snacks for the people of our nation has become a habit,even be said to be a part of the nation's diet In-donesia. In addition to functioning as a distraction, snack-play menjathe means of improving nutrition. For example, the most effective ismeatballs and satay, the much-loved foods in both the cityand villages. Traders unconsciously meatballs and sataycircumference, unwittingly trapped the nutritional needs of the communitynuhi although only a small proportion. indirectlytraders had been socializing beef to alllevels of society.
Various types of fast-food was implicated in thethe big city. This type of food imports to give a new color invariation in the town, even some in the food businessprescriptions in the country have been trying to fast-food menu thatdelicious. In addition to snacks, a variety of fast-food also plays amain menu, the calories and nutritional value can be relied upon tofulfillment of daily nutrition, especially for busy people.
According to Hartono Dr.Gandung of the Directorate of CombatingInfectious diseases and Environmental Health Department of Health and Human Settlements,the emergence of cases of illness caused by consuming snack occasionallycontaminated. The consumer is paying less attention to food hygienewhich may have been stale, contaminated, oxidized chemicaland organic matter because of the additives (preservatives, colorings,sweeteners, thickeners). Many of the food in any placesuch as near the trash, near a ditch, roadsidedusty or the food itself is not closed.Overcoming the habit of eating snacks in children.
Pejajan among the most are the children of schooland toddlers. To overcome or reduce the habit of eating snacksrecommended several ways.A. children are taught to choose a clean and kind of snack food
safe.2. children are given breakfast or eat breakfast before leaving for
schools, that can vary its kind so that they do not
bored.3. equip children with the cookies to school (if possible).4. Home from school they were treated to the fruits or the other.The presence of harmful substances in food
Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) had conductedtesting of various types of snack foods soldin some elementary schools in South Jakarta. Apparently, the ba-many snack foods that use harmful dyessuch as Yellow and Rhodamin Methanyl which are toxic and air-danger to one's growth. Through laboratory testing on-thorium PPMB Department of Commerce, YLKI also found somedyes for textiles, wall coloring on some kind offoods such as sweets kedondong, mixed ice, lemonade and a fewcolorful cake. On the types of food such as foodempek-empek, molen bananas, chicken noodle, dumpling and found batagora preservative formaldehyde and borax. MOH through BPOMSurabaya, Semarang, Samarinda, Banjarmasin, Palembang and WeekSeize new Bleng salt used for the manufacture of crackers,noodles, meat balls or the brains, because they are mixed with a preservativeborax. Borax is commonly known as a cleaner and preservativewood, to solder or cosmetics with high purity. Boraxbegan to be reported toxic since 1883, but in Indonesia is stillused as a preservative in food.Through food poisoning
Formaldehyde is a substance that contains alcohol aspenghiolang odor, antiseptic and fumigant. Formalin in laboranimals and used as a preservative in the hospital mortuaryas a preservative corpse. Apparently some manufacturers of noodles that are notunderstood due to the use of terse-but for the manufacture of noodles,whereas injection of 3 ounces of formalin can cause death within 3hours. Either by injection or orally will quickly react withmucus lining the digestive tract and respiratory tract. Inrapidly oxidized to formic acid is mainly in the liver andred blood cells.
Formalin poisoning symptoms can be seen, that the painaccompanied by vomiting, depression or nervous system failureblood circulation, vomiting blood, and even worse can be crossed-causes of death. Likewise with the accumulation of boron in thebody, is clinically and pathologically attack the central nervous systemdigestion of kidney, liver and skin. Borax can be absorbed throughmucous membranes or broken skin, a few hours later arisesymptoms of poisoning. In tests against adults,injection of 20 grams of borax resulted in vomiting, diarrhea,and mental disorders a few days.Control
Manufacturers or dealers do not know the dangers of preservatives, dyes,and synthetic sweeteners. In this case the role of government is neededin providing counseling, especially for small traders.For example the label "saccharin" did not include hazardthe use of artificial sweeteners have on normal people, as ifjust mix regular sugar, but only recommended forpeople with diabetes (diabetes), or a person who needs to diet.Department Perindustriaan target only 600 tons of sweeteners,nlapangan but there are 11 factories that produce them andas a result of excess 5500 tons per year. Traders and managersThis memenfaatkan food savings, although in testingknown saccharin (sodium sakaroida) and sarimanis (sodiumcyclamate) causes bladder tumors in rats womb.
Now we need not worry too much, and let us sam-but happily the business of the Office of Health Jakarta, which has been andwill increase outreach to merchants and manufacturers to know,tempeh and meatballs, so they pay attention to the elements of health.
Actually, they can use substitute materials that would give better quality results, delicious and safe. Be more resistant to Confectionary out for over 9 days, if soybean soaked first in water 4-7oC, or will hold six days if soaked in 0.5% benzoic acid, or will hold three days if the dam is planned for 1000 ppm benzoate.Temporary substitute for borax pengenyal meatballs, proposed the use of potassium sorbate 0.5 to 3 grams per kg of meat.
References:July 91 magazines panacea, panacea Magazine June 92, Household and Health Magazine 89, Daily Singgalang 18 April 93, Fiesher Food Chemistry, 69, Winarno Food Chemistry, 87
Oleh : Tarmizi, Bsc., S.Pd
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