Benefits Betel Leaves
1. Drug nosebleed
The content of phenyl popada and terpenes in red betel leaves will memabntu blood that comes out during nosebleeds can be immediately stopped. Roll 1 betel leaves, then sumbatkan into the nostril that bleeds.
2. Drug thrush
Sprue with vitamin C and antiseptic agents able to fight germs that cause thrush. Perform treatment with the oral cavity, chewing betel leaves 1-2 red to disintegrate in the mouth. Wait for 10 minutes before being discharged, do at least 2x a day.
3. Drug minor burns
When a person suffered burns, alkaloid substances, antioxidants, and the benefits of vitamin C in red betel will help relieve inflammation of the skin area burned. How to make it quite easy:
3-5 mashed red betel leaf
Mix with 2 teaspoons of honey
Apply on the wound area 2 times a day
However, for the use of red betel topically only able to treat minor burns alone.
4. Drugs red eyes
Alkaloid compound acts as an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, which would ease red eyes due to irritation. How to manufacture the medicine is also quite easy:
Prepare 20 pieces of betel leaf red
Boiled with water until boiling
Strain the cooking water
Use as an eye compress
Or use it to wash the eyes about 10 minutes
5. Drug bleeding gums
As drug bleeding gums contain saponins, tannins, minerals calcium and phosphorus will relieve the inflammation that occurs when the gums bleed. Step manufacture of medicine:
Prepare 10 pieces of betel leaf red
Boiled with water until boiling
Strain the water and cooled
Use water to rinse, for effective results do 3 times a day
6. Drug bronchitis
You can boil 6-10 betel leaves in 300 ml of water and leaving half of it to drink. Betel leaves contain tannins that mempu cure bronchitis if taken regularly 3 times a day. Efficacy herbs to overcome bronchitis is also found in:
the benefits of mango leaves
the benefits of bitter leaf
the benefits of orange peel
7. Drug heartburn
The content terpennoid and klavikol in red betel leaves, can treat stomach ulcers. You do this by drinking a decoction of 7 pieces of betel leaf is consumed three times a day regularly.
8. Drug itching due to insect
Red betel can also relieve allergic reactions caused by insect bites or allergic seafood. Simply prepare a decoction 20-30 red betel leaves, and then use to bathe two times a day. These properties can also be found on:
benefits bay leaves
the benefits of banana peel
benefits duku
9. Drug inflammation of the prostate
For the men who have permasalaan the prostate gland, it can use the red betel leaf as a medicinal herb. The content of tannins, saponins, and hidroksicavicol will meegenerasi cells in the prostate gland, in order to be able to function as usual. Boil 3-7 red betel leaves are still young and drinking water 3 times a day.
10. High blood Drugs
The content of essential oil and phenols will stabilize blood pressure, for someone who has a history of high blood pressure. Mix red betel leaf decoction with honey benefits while drinking 2 times a day.
11. Cough
To treat a cough illness can take advantage of this red betel leaves, how:
Prepare 5 red betel leaves
Boiled with 300 ml of water
Drink to 2 times a day
The content of the benefits of vitamin B, vitamin C and alkaloidnya will relieve cough causes inflammation of the throat.
12. Drug swollen breasts
Betel leaves can treat the swollen breasts after breastfeeding. Roasted red betel leaves to wilt and paste the swollen breast area while the leaves are still warm. Allylprokatecol compound and karvakrol will help stretch the breast muscles are inflamed because too much out of breast milk.
13. Treating tumors
Antioxidant compounds, flavonoids and terpenoids which exist on the red betel boost one's immune. When the immune system increases, the body's white blood cells will be able to destroy the tumor harmful or carcinogenic substances from the body.
14. Treating diabetes
You can treat diabetes that suffered by consuming red betel leaf decoction. The content of terpenoids, klavicol, eugenol, and pycene will help the performance of insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.
15. Drug pneumonia
When you suffer from pneumonia, red betel leaf can be an alternative to heal. 5-7 stew made of red betel leaf old in 500 ml of water to cure pneumonia. The content of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will clean the area of the lung from harmful substances that inadvertently get into the lungs.
16. Drug uric acid
Red betel leaf can also be used as a cure gout. Red betel leaves will relieve sore muscles and shed the crystals of uric acid in the body. How to make it:
Prepare 8 young betel leaves after washed
Boiled with 500 ml of water
Boil until leaves up to 3 cups boiling water
Drinking boiled water 75 ml, 3 times a day regularly
If the perceived bitterness can add herbs with sugar or 2 tablespoons honey.
17. Prevent the appearance of acne
Red betel leaf can also be used to prevent or treat acne, because the content of the benefits of antioxidants, flavonoids, and vitamins. This substance will provide nutrients to the skin and replace skin cells damaged by exposure to dust and pollution. To get the benefits of this red betel leaves, enough with:
Boil 10 leaves in 200 ml of water
Strain the cooking water and cooled
Use boiled water to wash the face 2 times a day.
18. Addressing the symptoms of vaginal discharge
In addition to the benefits of green betel, kind of red betel leaves can also serve as an antiseptic lethal bacteria Candida cause of vaginal discharge. You can boil 5-10 red betel leaves into 250ml water. After boiling, strain the water and use it to wash the feminine area.
19. Reducing body odor
Red betel leaf contains estragol and kavicol that control the production of hormones and sweat glands in the body. Red betel leaf may help reduce body odor problem in 2 ways:
Water consumption as much betel leaf decoction 2 cups per day
2 Apply red betel leaves which have been pounded into the armpit area regularly
20. Treating bad breath
Eugenol and kavibetol compound in red betel leaves will help you who have bad breath odor problems. Enough with red betel leaf decoction gargle regularly during morning and afternoon. Besides fruits like strawberry benefits and benefits of citrus fruits.
Such a review about the benefits of red betel leaf, may be a powerful alternative treatment.
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