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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tumbuhan Obat dan Sains (Medicinal Plants and Science): TAPAK DARA SEBAGAI OBAT KANKER, DIABETES DAN SAKI...
Tumbuhan Obat dan Sains (Medicinal Plants and Science): TAPAK DARA SEBAGAI OBAT KANKER, DIABETES DAN SAKI...: "TAPAK DARA SEBAGAI OBAT KANKER, DIABETES DAN SAKIT PITAM oleh Tarmizi, BSc Bunga banyak dipakai untuk perlambang berbagai seremoni ba..."
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
End-end we will encounter many apples everywhere. Not only apples from Malang, but also will be found apple imports. Seems like the slanting-ta, the fruit is increasingly popular in the community is a lot of usefulness.
If Eastern societies (Eastern) had a durian as the fruit of the century, the Western society (Western) have an apple. Westerners often use apples as a paradigm for an interesting fruit.
It is estimated that there are seven thousand kinds of apples grown in the world, but only a few kinds on the market in Indonesia, such as apples Village, Australian apples, apple Manalagi, American apple.
The shape, size, color, flavor and texture of each type of apple is diverse. But in terms of nutrition is not much different. The presence of potassium / high potassium and pectin in apples, making this fruit is very useful to prevent stroke, and reduce blood sugar and blood cholesterol. One thing that is beneficial for people with diabetes and coronary heart disease.
Apples generally are round, with a basin at the base of the bud. Apple flesh white, crisp and juicy with sweet or sour taste. The meat of this fruit is protected by a thin skin that is generally glossy. When the meat is dikerat out its fragrant and fresh. But there are several varieties of apples, the smell of it was very sharp.
Flavor, aroma, and texture, is actually generated from approximately 230 chemical components. Including a variety of acids such as acetic acid, 20 kinds of formats and other acids. Additionally there is alcohol content ranges from 30-40 species, esters such as ethyl acetate, approximately 100 species, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde carbonyl, and much more.
Potassium and stroke
The dominant nutrient in apples is potassium, especially in red apples, as well as pectin and cellulose. Potassium is a mineral that works to increase the regularity of heart rate, activating muscle contractions, regulating delivery of nutrients to the cells, control the fluid balance in the body's tissues and cells, and help regulate blood pressure.
Research conducted by experts from the University of California at San Diego, United States, shows, one serving of fruits that contain lots of potassium a day, can reduce the risk of stroke (brain attack) by 40%.
Research is applied to the approximately 800 men and women aged 50 years or older, the age at high risk for brain attack. Apparently, high concentrations of potassium intake through diet can reduce blood pressure, thus decreasing the chances of stroke.
Apples, especially the red, has a relatively high potassium content of potassium. Every 100 grams of edible red apples contained approximately 203 mg of potassium content.
It is still lower when compared with the potassium is in bananas (435 mg), avocado (278 mg), Duku (232 mg) and papaya (221 mg). However, still higher than in brown manila potassium content (181 mg), orange (162 mg), leatherback (130 mg), pineapple (125 mg) and wine (111 mg). Thus, apple fruit is considered one of the potential in reducing the risk of brain attack.
Dietary fiber
Apples contain fiber in large quantities. Cellulose, is insoluble fiber (in water) which is in apple skin. Meanwhile, pectin is a type of soluble fiber that are often found on apple fruit flesh.
Insoluble fiber, particularly cellulose in addition to some hemicellulose and lignin, can accelerate the journey across the channel percerna leftovers. While soluble fibers can cause the opposite effect, slowing the 'traffic' leftovers.
Both forms of fiber is actually equally memunyai strength laxative. Both types of fiber to absorb water and makes stools larger. So, do not be surprised if people with constipation (difficult bowel movements), the consumption of whole apples with the skin is highly recommended aliases.
Controller cholesterol
Soluble fiber, namely pectin and gums, forming a gel in the intestine. As a result, the time needed to move the remaining food from the mouth of the anus so much longer. This makes the person will feel full longer. That is why, for that is undergoing a slimming program, apples can be used as penggati energy food, such as fatty or sweet cakes.
In addition, soluble fiber can bind to various substances, including cholesterol, and reduce its absorption from the intestinal tract. The form of this fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels.
The study shows, apple pectin can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10%. LDL cholesterol is a cause of heart disease and stroke. In addition to lowering LDL, the apple does not reduce HDL cholesterol or cholesterol 'good'. So the apples is expected to be able to minimize the risk of heart disease by 20%.
Soluble fiber also was able to slow the entry of glucose from the digestion of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. This is very useful for controlling diabetes.
Freshness apple
To obtain the maximum benefit from the apple then the dosage form must be considered. Fresh apples are generally better than those processed into juice or syrup.
Research conducted several experts showed, giving an apple with a variety of dosage forms in a normal person, produce different responses to the concentration of blood sugar and insulin. While consumption of fresh apples intact serum insulin only raised slightly, compared to apple pulp. Fiber structure in apple pulp is damaged.
So, fresh apples, especially in people with diabetes, more beneficial than the processed apples. High content of soluble fiber and low energy, as well as a variety of sweet and sour taste makes apples suitable as a snack choice than as a good dessert.
Apple crisp taste to help release the sticky material on the teeth, for example sugar, as well as stimulate salivation, so as to clean the teeth. "A. For apple ."***
Central Library Yusep Ikrawan, MSc.,
Lecturer Department of Food Technology, FT Unpas.
-7.699782 112.869903
Written in efficacy. Leave a comment »

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Khasiat Apel
Januari 4, 2010 — pisassakienah
AKHIR-akhir ini kita akan banyak menjumpai buah apel di mana pun. Tak hanya apel dari Malang, tapi juga akan dijumpai apel impor. Ternya-ta, buah yang semakin memasyarakat ini banyak khasiatnya.
Jika masyarakat Timur (Eastern) memiliki durian sebagai buah unggulan, maka masyarakat Barat (Western) memiliki apel. Orang Barat sering memakai apel sebagai paradigma bagi buah yang menarik.
Diperkirakan ada tujuh ribu jenis buah apel yang tumbuh di dunia, tapi hanya ada beberapa macam yang ada di pasaran di Indonesia, seperti apel Kampung, apel Australia, apel Manalagi, apel Amerika.
Bentuk, ukuran, warna, rasa serta tekstur masing-masing jenis apel memang beragam. Tapi dalam hal gizi tidak jauh berbeda. Adanya kalium/potasium serta pektin yang tinggi dalam apel, menjadikan buah ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah stroke, serta mengurangi kadar gula dan kolesterol darah. Satu hal yang bermanfaat bagi penderita kencing manis serta jantung koroner.
Apel umumnya berbentuk bulat, dengan cekungan pada pangkal pucuknya. Daging apel berwarna putih, renyah dan berair dengan rasa manis atau asam. Daging buah ini dilindungi oleh kulit tipis yang umumnya mengkilap. Bila daging ini dikerat keluarlah aroma yang harum dan segar. Namun ada beberapa varietas apel, aroma itu terasa sangat tajam.
Citarasa, aroma, maupun tekstur, sebenarnya dihasilkan dari kurang lebih 230 komponen kimia. Termasuk pula beragam asam seperti asam asetat, format serta 20 jenis asam lain. Selain itu ada kandungan alkohol berkisar 30 – 40 jenis, ester seperti etil asetat sekira 100 jenis, karbonil seperti formaldehid dan asetaldehid, serta banyak lagi.
Kalium dan stroke
Kandungan zat gizi yang menonjol pada apel adalah kalium, khususnya pada apel merah, serta pektin dan selulosa. Kalium merupakan mineral yang berfungsi meningkatkan keteraturan denyut jantung, mengaktifkan kontraksi otot, mengatur pengiriman zat gizi ke sel-sel, mengendalikan keseimbangan cairan dalam jaringan dan sel tubuh, serta membantu mengatur tekanan darah.
Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh pakar dari Universitas California di San Diego, Amerika Serikat, menunjukkan, satu porsi buah yang banyak mengandung kalium dalam sehari, mampu menurunkan risiko terkena stroke (serangan otak) hingga 40%.
Riset tersebut diterapkan pada sekira 800 pria dan wanita yang berumur 50 tahun keatas, yaitu usia risiko tinggi untuk terkena serangan otak. Ternyata, konsumsi kalium konsentrasi tinggi lewat makanan bisa mengurangi tekanan darah, sehingga peluang terjadinya stroke menurun.
Apel terutama yang berwarna merah, tergolong memiliki kandungan kalium cukup tinggi kalium. Setiap 100 gram bagian apel merah yang dapat dimakan terdapat kandungan sekira 203 mg kalium.
Memang masih lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan kalium yang ada di dalam pisang (435 mg), alpukat (278 mg), duku (232 mg) dan pepaya (221 mg). Akan tetapi masih lebih tinggi dibandingkan kandungan kalium pada sawo manila (181 mg), jeruk (162 mg), belimbing (130 mg), nenas (125 mg) dan anggur (111 mg). Karenanya, apel dianggap salah satu buah yang potensial dalam menurunkan risiko serangan otak.
Dietary fiber
Apel mengandung serat dalam jumlah banyak. Selulosa, adalah serat yang tidak larut (dalam air) yang berada pada kulit apel. Sedangkan, pektin adalah tipe serat larut yang banyak dijumpai pada daging buah apel.
Serat tak larut, khususnya selulosa selain beberapa hemiselulosa dan lignin, dapat mempercepat perjalanan sisa makanan melintasi saluran percerna. Sementara serat larut dapat menimbulkan efek sebaliknya, memperlambat ‘lalu lintas’ sisa makanan.
Kedua bentuk serat ini sebenarnya sama-sama memunyai kekuatan mencuci perut. Kedua jenis serat dapat menyerap air dan membuat tinja lebih besar. Maka, jangan heran jika penderita konstipasi (sulit buang air besar), konsumsi apel utuh alias beserta kulitnya sangat dianjurkan.
Pengontrol kolesterol
Serat larut, yaitu pektin dan gum, membentuk gel dalam usus. Akibatnya, waktu yang dibutuhkan sisa makanan untuk bergerak dari mulut anus jadi lebih lama. Hal ini membuat orang yang bersangkutan akan merasa kenyang lebih lama. Itu sebabnya, bagi yang sedang menjalani program melangsingkan tubuh, apel dapat dijadikan sebagai penggati makanan energi, seperti kue yang berlemak atau manis.
Selain itu, serat larut mampu mengikat berbagai zat, termasuk kolesterol, dan mengurangi penyerapannya dari saluran usus. Bentuk serat ini dapat menurunkan tingkat kolesterol darah.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan, pektin apel dapat mengurangi kandungan kolesterol LDL sebanyak 10%. Kolesterol LDL merupakan penyebab penyakit jantung dan stroke. Selain menurunkan LDL, apel tidak mengurangi kolesterol HDL atau kolesterol ‘baik’. Sehingga apel diperkirakan mampu memperkecil risiko penyakit jantung hingga 20%.
Serat larut pun ternyata mampu memperlambat masuknya glukosa dari pencernaan karbohidrat ke aliran darah. Hal ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mengontrol penyakit kencing manis.
Kesegaran apel
Untuk memperoleh manfaat yang maksimal dari apel maka bentuk sediaan harus diperhatikan. Apel segar umumnya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil olahan menjadi sari buah maupun sirup.
Riset yang dilakukan beberapa ahli menunjukkan, pemberian apel dengan berbagai macam bentuk sediaan pada orang normal, menghasilkan respon yang berbeda terhadap konsentrasi gula darah maupun insulin. Sedangkan konsumsi apel segar utuh hanya menaikkan sedikit insulin serum, dibandingkan bubur apel. Struktur serat pada bubur apel sudah rusak.
Jadi, apel segar, khususnya pada penderita kencing manis, lebih bermanfaat dibandingkan apel olahan. Kandungan serat larut yang tinggi dan energi yang rendah, serta rasa asam manis yang bervariasi membuat apel cocok sebagai pilihan makanan kecil selain sebagai pencuci mulut yang baik.
Rasa renyah apel dapat membantu melepaskan bahan-bahan yang lengket di gigi, misalnya gula, sekaligus memacu pengeluaran air liur, sehingga mampu membersihkan gigi. “A. Untuk apel.”***
Dr.Ir. Yusep Ikrawan, MSc.,
Dosen Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, FT Unpas.
-7.699782 112.869903
Ditulis dalam khasiat. Tinggalkan sebuah komentar »
If Eastern societies (Eastern) had a durian as the fruit of the century, the Western society (Western) have an apple. Westerners often use apples as a paradigm for an interesting fruit.
It is estimated that there are seven thousand kinds of apples grown in the world, but only a few kinds on the market in Indonesia, such as apples Village, Australian apples, apple Manalagi, American apple.
The shape, size, color, flavor and texture of each type of apple is diverse. But in terms of nutrition is not much different. The presence of potassium / high potassium and pectin in apples, making this fruit is very useful to prevent stroke, and reduce blood sugar and blood cholesterol. One thing that is beneficial for people with diabetes and coronary heart disease.
Apples generally are round, with a basin at the base of the bud. Apple flesh white, crisp and juicy with sweet or sour taste. The meat of this fruit is protected by a thin skin that is generally glossy. When the meat is dikerat out its fragrant and fresh. But there are several varieties of apples, the smell of it was very sharp.
Flavor, aroma, and texture, is actually generated from approximately 230 chemical components. Including a variety of acids such as acetic acid, 20 kinds of formats and other acids. Additionally there is alcohol content ranges from 30-40 species, esters such as ethyl acetate, approximately 100 species, such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde carbonyl, and much more.
Potassium and stroke
The dominant nutrient in apples is potassium, especially in red apples, as well as pectin and cellulose. Potassium is a mineral that works to increase the regularity of heart rate, activating muscle contractions, regulating delivery of nutrients to the cells, control the fluid balance in the body's tissues and cells, and help regulate blood pressure.
Research conducted by experts from the University of California at San Diego, United States, shows, one serving of fruits that contain lots of potassium a day, can reduce the risk of stroke (brain attack) by 40%.
Research is applied to the approximately 800 men and women aged 50 years or older, the age at high risk for brain attack. Apparently, high concentrations of potassium intake through diet can reduce blood pressure, thus decreasing the chances of stroke.
Apples, especially the red, has a relatively high potassium content of potassium. Every 100 grams of edible red apples contained approximately 203 mg of potassium content.
It is still lower when compared with the potassium is in bananas (435 mg), avocado (278 mg), Duku (232 mg) and papaya (221 mg). However, still higher than in brown manila potassium content (181 mg), orange (162 mg), leatherback (130 mg), pineapple (125 mg) and wine (111 mg). Thus, apple fruit is considered one of the potential in reducing the risk of brain attack.
Dietary fiber
Apples contain fiber in large quantities. Cellulose, is insoluble fiber (in water) which is in apple skin. Meanwhile, pectin is a type of soluble fiber that are often found on apple fruit flesh.
Insoluble fiber, particularly cellulose in addition to some hemicellulose and lignin, can accelerate the journey across the channel percerna leftovers. While soluble fibers can cause the opposite effect, slowing the 'traffic' leftovers.
Both forms of fiber is actually equally memunyai strength laxative. Both types of fiber to absorb water and makes stools larger. So, do not be surprised if people with constipation (difficult bowel movements), the consumption of whole apples with the skin is highly recommended aliases.
Controller cholesterol
Soluble fiber, namely pectin and gums, forming a gel in the intestine. As a result, the time needed to move the remaining food from the mouth of the anus so much longer. This makes the person will feel full longer. That is why, for that is undergoing a slimming program, apples can be used as penggati energy food, such as fatty or sweet cakes.
In addition, soluble fiber can bind to various substances, including cholesterol, and reduce its absorption from the intestinal tract. The form of this fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels.
The study shows, apple pectin can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10%. LDL cholesterol is a cause of heart disease and stroke. In addition to lowering LDL, the apple does not reduce HDL cholesterol or cholesterol 'good'. So the apples is expected to be able to minimize the risk of heart disease by 20%.
Soluble fiber also was able to slow the entry of glucose from the digestion of carbohydrates into the bloodstream. This is very useful for controlling diabetes.
Freshness apple
To obtain the maximum benefit from the apple then the dosage form must be considered. Fresh apples are generally better than those processed into juice or syrup.
Research conducted several experts showed, giving an apple with a variety of dosage forms in a normal person, produce different responses to the concentration of blood sugar and insulin. While consumption of fresh apples intact serum insulin only raised slightly, compared to apple pulp. Fiber structure in apple pulp is damaged.
So, fresh apples, especially in people with diabetes, more beneficial than the processed apples. High content of soluble fiber and low energy, as well as a variety of sweet and sour taste makes apples suitable as a snack choice than as a good dessert.
Apple crisp taste to help release the sticky material on the teeth, for example sugar, as well as stimulate salivation, so as to clean the teeth. "A. For apple ."***
Central Library Yusep Ikrawan, MSc.,
Lecturer Department of Food Technology, FT Unpas.
-7.699782 112.869903
Written in efficacy. Leave a comment »

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Khasiat Apel
Januari 4, 2010 — pisassakienah
AKHIR-akhir ini kita akan banyak menjumpai buah apel di mana pun. Tak hanya apel dari Malang, tapi juga akan dijumpai apel impor. Ternya-ta, buah yang semakin memasyarakat ini banyak khasiatnya.
Jika masyarakat Timur (Eastern) memiliki durian sebagai buah unggulan, maka masyarakat Barat (Western) memiliki apel. Orang Barat sering memakai apel sebagai paradigma bagi buah yang menarik.
Diperkirakan ada tujuh ribu jenis buah apel yang tumbuh di dunia, tapi hanya ada beberapa macam yang ada di pasaran di Indonesia, seperti apel Kampung, apel Australia, apel Manalagi, apel Amerika.
Bentuk, ukuran, warna, rasa serta tekstur masing-masing jenis apel memang beragam. Tapi dalam hal gizi tidak jauh berbeda. Adanya kalium/potasium serta pektin yang tinggi dalam apel, menjadikan buah ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mencegah stroke, serta mengurangi kadar gula dan kolesterol darah. Satu hal yang bermanfaat bagi penderita kencing manis serta jantung koroner.
Apel umumnya berbentuk bulat, dengan cekungan pada pangkal pucuknya. Daging apel berwarna putih, renyah dan berair dengan rasa manis atau asam. Daging buah ini dilindungi oleh kulit tipis yang umumnya mengkilap. Bila daging ini dikerat keluarlah aroma yang harum dan segar. Namun ada beberapa varietas apel, aroma itu terasa sangat tajam.
Citarasa, aroma, maupun tekstur, sebenarnya dihasilkan dari kurang lebih 230 komponen kimia. Termasuk pula beragam asam seperti asam asetat, format serta 20 jenis asam lain. Selain itu ada kandungan alkohol berkisar 30 – 40 jenis, ester seperti etil asetat sekira 100 jenis, karbonil seperti formaldehid dan asetaldehid, serta banyak lagi.
Kalium dan stroke
Kandungan zat gizi yang menonjol pada apel adalah kalium, khususnya pada apel merah, serta pektin dan selulosa. Kalium merupakan mineral yang berfungsi meningkatkan keteraturan denyut jantung, mengaktifkan kontraksi otot, mengatur pengiriman zat gizi ke sel-sel, mengendalikan keseimbangan cairan dalam jaringan dan sel tubuh, serta membantu mengatur tekanan darah.
Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh pakar dari Universitas California di San Diego, Amerika Serikat, menunjukkan, satu porsi buah yang banyak mengandung kalium dalam sehari, mampu menurunkan risiko terkena stroke (serangan otak) hingga 40%.
Riset tersebut diterapkan pada sekira 800 pria dan wanita yang berumur 50 tahun keatas, yaitu usia risiko tinggi untuk terkena serangan otak. Ternyata, konsumsi kalium konsentrasi tinggi lewat makanan bisa mengurangi tekanan darah, sehingga peluang terjadinya stroke menurun.
Apel terutama yang berwarna merah, tergolong memiliki kandungan kalium cukup tinggi kalium. Setiap 100 gram bagian apel merah yang dapat dimakan terdapat kandungan sekira 203 mg kalium.
Memang masih lebih rendah bila dibandingkan dengan kalium yang ada di dalam pisang (435 mg), alpukat (278 mg), duku (232 mg) dan pepaya (221 mg). Akan tetapi masih lebih tinggi dibandingkan kandungan kalium pada sawo manila (181 mg), jeruk (162 mg), belimbing (130 mg), nenas (125 mg) dan anggur (111 mg). Karenanya, apel dianggap salah satu buah yang potensial dalam menurunkan risiko serangan otak.
Dietary fiber
Apel mengandung serat dalam jumlah banyak. Selulosa, adalah serat yang tidak larut (dalam air) yang berada pada kulit apel. Sedangkan, pektin adalah tipe serat larut yang banyak dijumpai pada daging buah apel.
Serat tak larut, khususnya selulosa selain beberapa hemiselulosa dan lignin, dapat mempercepat perjalanan sisa makanan melintasi saluran percerna. Sementara serat larut dapat menimbulkan efek sebaliknya, memperlambat ‘lalu lintas’ sisa makanan.
Kedua bentuk serat ini sebenarnya sama-sama memunyai kekuatan mencuci perut. Kedua jenis serat dapat menyerap air dan membuat tinja lebih besar. Maka, jangan heran jika penderita konstipasi (sulit buang air besar), konsumsi apel utuh alias beserta kulitnya sangat dianjurkan.
Pengontrol kolesterol
Serat larut, yaitu pektin dan gum, membentuk gel dalam usus. Akibatnya, waktu yang dibutuhkan sisa makanan untuk bergerak dari mulut anus jadi lebih lama. Hal ini membuat orang yang bersangkutan akan merasa kenyang lebih lama. Itu sebabnya, bagi yang sedang menjalani program melangsingkan tubuh, apel dapat dijadikan sebagai penggati makanan energi, seperti kue yang berlemak atau manis.
Selain itu, serat larut mampu mengikat berbagai zat, termasuk kolesterol, dan mengurangi penyerapannya dari saluran usus. Bentuk serat ini dapat menurunkan tingkat kolesterol darah.
Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan, pektin apel dapat mengurangi kandungan kolesterol LDL sebanyak 10%. Kolesterol LDL merupakan penyebab penyakit jantung dan stroke. Selain menurunkan LDL, apel tidak mengurangi kolesterol HDL atau kolesterol ‘baik’. Sehingga apel diperkirakan mampu memperkecil risiko penyakit jantung hingga 20%.
Serat larut pun ternyata mampu memperlambat masuknya glukosa dari pencernaan karbohidrat ke aliran darah. Hal ini sangat bermanfaat untuk mengontrol penyakit kencing manis.
Kesegaran apel
Untuk memperoleh manfaat yang maksimal dari apel maka bentuk sediaan harus diperhatikan. Apel segar umumnya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan hasil olahan menjadi sari buah maupun sirup.
Riset yang dilakukan beberapa ahli menunjukkan, pemberian apel dengan berbagai macam bentuk sediaan pada orang normal, menghasilkan respon yang berbeda terhadap konsentrasi gula darah maupun insulin. Sedangkan konsumsi apel segar utuh hanya menaikkan sedikit insulin serum, dibandingkan bubur apel. Struktur serat pada bubur apel sudah rusak.
Jadi, apel segar, khususnya pada penderita kencing manis, lebih bermanfaat dibandingkan apel olahan. Kandungan serat larut yang tinggi dan energi yang rendah, serta rasa asam manis yang bervariasi membuat apel cocok sebagai pilihan makanan kecil selain sebagai pencuci mulut yang baik.
Rasa renyah apel dapat membantu melepaskan bahan-bahan yang lengket di gigi, misalnya gula, sekaligus memacu pengeluaran air liur, sehingga mampu membersihkan gigi. “A. Untuk apel.”***
Dr.Ir. Yusep Ikrawan, MSc.,
Dosen Jurusan Teknologi Pangan, FT Unpas.
-7.699782 112.869903
Ditulis dalam khasiat. Tinggalkan sebuah komentar »
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Apel hijau
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Foto Tumbuhan Obat
Monday, December 13, 2010


Firman Allah swt:
“ Dan Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada lebah, “Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, dipohon-pohon kayu dan di rumah-rumah yang didirikan manusia,” “Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan. Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (madu) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat ubat-ubat yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu benar-benar terdapat tanda (kebesaran Allah) bagi orang-orang yang memikirkan.”
Label:buku, artikel, foto, slide
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Plant Leaf Drug Spoon
Posted by Esha Flora | 28/03/2009 | Coughing Blood, coughing tightness, Leaf Spoon, diarrhea, dysentery, blood urine, nosebleeds, peluruh Water Art, Plantago major | 1 comments »
Leaf Spoon
(Plantago major L.)
= P.asiatica, Linn. = P.crenata, Blanco. = P.depressa, Willd. = P.erosa, Wall. = P.exaltata, Horn. = P.hasskarlii Decne. = P.incisa, Hassk. = P.loureiri, Roem. et Schult. =, Blanco.
Leaves spoon is a weed in tea and rubber plantations, or growing wild in the forests, fields, and lawns are a bit damp, sometimes planted in pots as a medicinal plant. This plant originated from mainland Asia and Europe, can be found from lowland until height of 3300 m above sea level. Medicinal plants is widespread in the world and has been known since ancient times and is one of the 9 Turnbuhan drugs that are considered sacred in the Anglo Saxon. Chronic herb, grow upright, height 15-20 cm. Leaves single, long stemmed, arranged in a rosette roots. Round leaf shape eggs until lancet wide, flat or jagged edges rough irregular, smooth or slightly hairy, pertulangan curved, length 50-10 cm, width 4-9 cm, it's green. Compound inflorescence composed of grains whose length is about 30 cm, small, white color. Fruit oblong or oval, containing 2-4 seeds are black and wrinkled. The young leaves can be cooked as a vegetable propagation by seed.
Local Name:
Ki vein, ceuli, c. uncal (Sunda), meloh Kiloh, muscle-ototan,; Sangkabuah, sangkabuah, sangkuah, Blumea muscle; suri Pandak (Java). leaf veins. leaf veins, leaf scoop,; tail wind, deer ears (Sumatra). ; Torongoat (Minahasa). ; Che qian cao (China), ma de, xa tien (Vietnam),; Weegbree (Netherlands), plantains, Greater plantain,; BROADLEAF plantain, rat's tail plantain, waybread,; White man's foot (England).;
Curable Disease:
Urinary tract infections, urinary fatty, bloody urine,; swelling because of kidney disease (nephrotic edema), gall stones,; kidney stones, inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), urinary bit, fever, influenza, whooping cough (pertussis), inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain, sore red eyes (conjunctivitis); Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), worms, insect bites,; acute hepatitis accompanied by yellow (jaundice acute hepatitis), nosebleeds,; digestive disorders in children ( dyspepsia), intestinal worms,; Incentives desire (aphrodisiac), beser mani (spermatorea); Urinary pain (dysuria), difficult urination, blurred vision,; Coughing blood, vaginal discharge (leukore), muscle pains, red eye,; cough with phlegm, beri-beri, high blood pressure (hypertension), rheumatic gout,; Jaundice (jaundice).;
Herbs, seeds, roots. Seeds were collected after a cook and then roasted or roasted with salt water.
Herba efficacious address:
- Urinary tract disorders such as urinary tract infections,
piss fat, bloody urine, swelling due to kidney disease
(Nephrotic edema), pee a little because of the heat in,
- Gallstones, kidney stones,
- Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis),
- Influenza, fever, whooping cough (pertussis), inflammation of the airways
- Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain,
- Red eye inflammation (conjunctivitis), describes a vision
- Diabetes mellitus (DM),
- Acute hepatitis accompanied by yellow (jaundice acute hepatitis),
- Worms, insect bites, and
- Bleeding, such as nosebleeds, coughing up blood.
Roots efficacious to overcome:
- Vaginal discharge (leukore) and
- Muscle aches.
Nutritious seeds to overcome:
- Digestive disorders in children (dyspepsia),
- Stimulating desire (aphrodisiac), beser mani (spermatorea)
- Urinary pain (dysuria), difficult urination, feeling of fullness in abdomen
- Diarrhea, dysentery,
- Worms,
- Blurred vision,
- Red eyes, swollen and sore due to heat in the liver,
- Cough with much phlegm,
- Beri-beri, high blood pressure (hypertension),
- Jaundice (jaundice), and
- Rheumatic gout.
Dried herbs as much as 10-15 g of fresh or as many as 15 30 g of boiling water, then drink the water. Fresh herbs can also be ground and then squeezed and filtered for drinking. To use the seeds, prepare 10-15 g seed leaf spoon, and boil and drink water. For external use, fresh herbs and crushed affixed to the wound bled, scalded, or boils, and then bandaged. Use can also by boiling, then water to rinse his mouth on the gums and sore throat dang. Can also be used by way of finely ground, then made ointments to deal with boils, abscesses, and ulceration.
1. Smooth piss
a. Tablespoons fresh herb leaves as much as 6 ounces of washed, add sugar
cubes to taste. Ingredients are boiled with 3 liters of water,
boiled water until the remaining half. Drinking tea like water
spend a day.
b. Tablespoons fresh herb leaves are washed and pounded until creamed Juicing
and filter until the water is collected 1 / 2 cup. Add honey 1
spoon, then drink as well.
2. Bloody urine:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves are washed and pounded until creamed. Juicing
water is collected and filtered through a glass. Drink before you eat
3. Dysentery heat:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves washed and finely ground. Squeeze and
filter to collect 1 cup. Add 2 tablespoons honey
, stirring evenly. Juice, is then briefly steamed.
Drink all at once while warm.
4. Basiler dysentery, diarrhea:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves as much as 30 g after washed ago
boiled with 2 cups water to the remaining 1 cup boiled water
After chilling filtered, water is taken 2 times a day, each
1 / 2 cup.
5. Nosebleed:
Tablespoons fresh leaves as much as 15 g washed and crushed. Brewed with
a cup of hot water. After the cold pressed and filtered, then
while drunk.
6. Cough tightness, coughing up blood:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves as much as 60 g of washed and then add water
net until submerged and 30 g of sugar cubes. Steamed until boiling
for 15 minutes. Drink while warm.
NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effect: this herb is sweet and cold. and relieve thirst. Seeds are sweet, cold, enter the kidney meridian, liver, small intestine and lung. CHEMICAL CONTENT: This herb contains plantagin, aukubin, ursolik acid, Beta-si-tosterol, n-hentriakontan, and plantagluside consisting of methyl D-galakturonat, D-galactose, L-arabinose and L-rhammosa. Also rnengandung tannin, potassium and vitamins (B1, C, A). Potassium is peluruh urine and dissolve the calcium salt deposits found in the kidneys and bladder. Aukubin active substances in addition to efficacious protect the liver against toxic substances that can influence rnerusak liver cells (hepatoprotector), also efficacious antiseptic. Seed (che qian zi) leaves contain acid planterolik spoon, plantasan (with a composition of xylose, arabinose, and rharnnose galacturonat acid), protein, starch, aucubin, succinic acid, adenine, cholin, katalpol, syringin, fatty acids (palmitate, stearate, arakidat, oleic, linolenic and lenoleat), and Flavanone glycosides. While the roots contain naphazolin. Farmakologis Securities and Research Results 1. Ethyl acetate fraction (acid) with a dose of 2 tablespoons leaves glkg bw given orally at a white male rats that had been induced with 200 mglkg bw asetosal, it has antiuicer activity. Phytochemical screening of the ethyl acetate fraction showed the presence of triterpenoid acids and monoterpenoids (Sariati, Department of Natural Sciences Farinasi UNPAD, 1993). 2. Leaves infusion spoon 10% and 20% of the solubility of Ca and Mg from kidney stones in vitro, mernpunyai dissolving effect of calcium and magnesium from kidney stones were significantly compared to distilled water (Ismedsyah, USU Department of Pharmacy and Science, 199 1). 3. Spoon leaf extract at a concentration of 1-3 g / wi shows the antibacterial against Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella sonnei (Meriana Sugiarto, Fak. Pharmaceutical Univ. Widya Mandala Catholic, .1992).
Leaf Spoon
(Plantago major L.)
= P.asiatica, Linn. = P.crenata, Blanco. = P.depressa, Willd. = P.erosa, Wall. = P.exaltata, Horn. = P.hasskarlii Decne. = P.incisa, Hassk. = P.loureiri, Roem. et Schult. =, Blanco.
Leaves spoon is a weed in tea and rubber plantations, or growing wild in the forests, fields, and lawns are a bit damp, sometimes planted in pots as a medicinal plant. This plant originated from mainland Asia and Europe, can be found from lowland until height of 3300 m above sea level. Medicinal plants is widespread in the world and has been known since ancient times and is one of the 9 Turnbuhan drugs that are considered sacred in the Anglo Saxon. Chronic herb, grow upright, height 15-20 cm. Leaves single, long stemmed, arranged in a rosette roots. Round leaf shape eggs until lancet wide, flat or jagged edges rough irregular, smooth or slightly hairy, pertulangan curved, length 50-10 cm, width 4-9 cm, it's green. Compound inflorescence composed of grains whose length is about 30 cm, small, white color. Fruit oblong or oval, containing 2-4 seeds are black and wrinkled. The young leaves can be cooked as a vegetable propagation by seed.
Local Name:
Ki vein, ceuli, c. uncal (Sunda), meloh Kiloh, muscle-ototan,; Sangkabuah, sangkabuah, sangkuah, Blumea muscle; suri Pandak (Java). leaf veins. leaf veins, leaf scoop,; tail wind, deer ears (Sumatra). ; Torongoat (Minahasa). ; Che qian cao (China), ma de, xa tien (Vietnam),; Weegbree (Netherlands), plantains, Greater plantain,; BROADLEAF plantain, rat's tail plantain, waybread,; White man's foot (England).;
Curable Disease:
Urinary tract infections, urinary fatty, bloody urine,; swelling because of kidney disease (nephrotic edema), gall stones,; kidney stones, inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), urinary bit, fever, influenza, whooping cough (pertussis), inflammation of the airways (bronchitis), diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain, sore red eyes (conjunctivitis); Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), worms, insect bites,; acute hepatitis accompanied by yellow (jaundice acute hepatitis), nosebleeds,; digestive disorders in children ( dyspepsia), intestinal worms,; Incentives desire (aphrodisiac), beser mani (spermatorea); Urinary pain (dysuria), difficult urination, blurred vision,; Coughing blood, vaginal discharge (leukore), muscle pains, red eye,; cough with phlegm, beri-beri, high blood pressure (hypertension), rheumatic gout,; Jaundice (jaundice).;
Herbs, seeds, roots. Seeds were collected after a cook and then roasted or roasted with salt water.
Herba efficacious address:
- Urinary tract disorders such as urinary tract infections,
piss fat, bloody urine, swelling due to kidney disease
(Nephrotic edema), pee a little because of the heat in,
- Gallstones, kidney stones,
- Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis),
- Influenza, fever, whooping cough (pertussis), inflammation of the airways
- Diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain,
- Red eye inflammation (conjunctivitis), describes a vision
- Diabetes mellitus (DM),
- Acute hepatitis accompanied by yellow (jaundice acute hepatitis),
- Worms, insect bites, and
- Bleeding, such as nosebleeds, coughing up blood.
Roots efficacious to overcome:
- Vaginal discharge (leukore) and
- Muscle aches.
Nutritious seeds to overcome:
- Digestive disorders in children (dyspepsia),
- Stimulating desire (aphrodisiac), beser mani (spermatorea)
- Urinary pain (dysuria), difficult urination, feeling of fullness in abdomen
- Diarrhea, dysentery,
- Worms,
- Blurred vision,
- Red eyes, swollen and sore due to heat in the liver,
- Cough with much phlegm,
- Beri-beri, high blood pressure (hypertension),
- Jaundice (jaundice), and
- Rheumatic gout.
Dried herbs as much as 10-15 g of fresh or as many as 15 30 g of boiling water, then drink the water. Fresh herbs can also be ground and then squeezed and filtered for drinking. To use the seeds, prepare 10-15 g seed leaf spoon, and boil and drink water. For external use, fresh herbs and crushed affixed to the wound bled, scalded, or boils, and then bandaged. Use can also by boiling, then water to rinse his mouth on the gums and sore throat dang. Can also be used by way of finely ground, then made ointments to deal with boils, abscesses, and ulceration.
1. Smooth piss
a. Tablespoons fresh herb leaves as much as 6 ounces of washed, add sugar
cubes to taste. Ingredients are boiled with 3 liters of water,
boiled water until the remaining half. Drinking tea like water
spend a day.
b. Tablespoons fresh herb leaves are washed and pounded until creamed Juicing
and filter until the water is collected 1 / 2 cup. Add honey 1
spoon, then drink as well.
2. Bloody urine:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves are washed and pounded until creamed. Juicing
water is collected and filtered through a glass. Drink before you eat
3. Dysentery heat:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves washed and finely ground. Squeeze and
filter to collect 1 cup. Add 2 tablespoons honey
, stirring evenly. Juice, is then briefly steamed.
Drink all at once while warm.
4. Basiler dysentery, diarrhea:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves as much as 30 g after washed ago
boiled with 2 cups water to the remaining 1 cup boiled water
After chilling filtered, water is taken 2 times a day, each
1 / 2 cup.
5. Nosebleed:
Tablespoons fresh leaves as much as 15 g washed and crushed. Brewed with
a cup of hot water. After the cold pressed and filtered, then
while drunk.
6. Cough tightness, coughing up blood:
Tablespoons fresh herb leaves as much as 60 g of washed and then add water
net until submerged and 30 g of sugar cubes. Steamed until boiling
for 15 minutes. Drink while warm.
NATURE OF CHEMICAL AND pharmacological effect: this herb is sweet and cold. and relieve thirst. Seeds are sweet, cold, enter the kidney meridian, liver, small intestine and lung. CHEMICAL CONTENT: This herb contains plantagin, aukubin, ursolik acid, Beta-si-tosterol, n-hentriakontan, and plantagluside consisting of methyl D-galakturonat, D-galactose, L-arabinose and L-rhammosa. Also rnengandung tannin, potassium and vitamins (B1, C, A). Potassium is peluruh urine and dissolve the calcium salt deposits found in the kidneys and bladder. Aukubin active substances in addition to efficacious protect the liver against toxic substances that can influence rnerusak liver cells (hepatoprotector), also efficacious antiseptic. Seed (che qian zi) leaves contain acid planterolik spoon, plantasan (with a composition of xylose, arabinose, and rharnnose galacturonat acid), protein, starch, aucubin, succinic acid, adenine, cholin, katalpol, syringin, fatty acids (palmitate, stearate, arakidat, oleic, linolenic and lenoleat), and Flavanone glycosides. While the roots contain naphazolin. Farmakologis Securities and Research Results 1. Ethyl acetate fraction (acid) with a dose of 2 tablespoons leaves glkg bw given orally at a white male rats that had been induced with 200 mglkg bw asetosal, it has antiuicer activity. Phytochemical screening of the ethyl acetate fraction showed the presence of triterpenoid acids and monoterpenoids (Sariati, Department of Natural Sciences Farinasi UNPAD, 1993). 2. Leaves infusion spoon 10% and 20% of the solubility of Ca and Mg from kidney stones in vitro, mernpunyai dissolving effect of calcium and magnesium from kidney stones were significantly compared to distilled water (Ismedsyah, USU Department of Pharmacy and Science, 199 1). 3. Spoon leaf extract at a concentration of 1-3 g / wi shows the antibacterial against Staphylococcus aureus and Shigella sonnei (Meriana Sugiarto, Fak. Pharmaceutical Univ. Widya Mandala Catholic, .1992).
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Drug Spoon,
Medicinal Plants Antanan Creating Longevity
Posted by Esha Flora | 12/06/2008 | Tonsils, Antanan, Articles, bronchitis. Cough, Pegagan | 0 comments »
In traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal plants antanan occupies the top spot, in addition to lingzhi mushrooms or ginseng, for its ability to treat many diseases. In fact, an herbalist (nutritious plant expert) China, Li Yun-Ching, can be up to 256 years old and stay in shape for every day eating leaf and stem crude antanan. Chinese community believe, contain a chemical compound useful in antanan leaf, equivalent to a lingzhi fungus and ginseng root.
Antanan (Centella asiatica) has quietly become the main innate those who travel to mainland China in various forms, ranging from powder to the already packed so pills and capsules.
Antanan medicinal plants that are reportedly efficacious powerful body of work to restore the system, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, stabilizing the body's hormones work, so they can make a person live longer because of health and fitness awake.
Antanan a chronic herbaceous plant, grows wild in moist soil, such as the dike, ditch banks, or cliffs soil. Trunked creeping, producing many branches, and forming clumps.
Once these medicinal plants are found in-vinegar salad with keratan vegetables and other tubers. Now, although in limited numbers, can still be found for the fresh vegetable in house dining a la Sunda. Farmers also often eat them as a friend to lunch in the fields because antanan including a popular type of fresh vegetable and efficacious to maintain health. Penyantapnya so rare seasonal disease, such as flu, fever, and even coughing.
In the book "Indonesian medicinal plants" arrangement Hembing Wijayakusuma (1992), antanan, Centella asiatica, "ji xue cao" contain medicinal compounds, such as asiaticoside (triterpenoids), karotenoids, madasiatika acid, mesoinositol, as well as a line of mineral salts useful. No wonder this plant is used in many regions of Asia and Africa to ward off the disease of leprosy, measles, hepatitis, fever, bronhitis, tonsillitis, heavy metal poisoning, vomiting blood, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, as well as appetite enhancer.
In traditional Chinese medicine, antanan occupies the top spot, in addition to lingzhi mushrooms or ginseng, for its ability to treat many diseases. In fact, an herbalist (nutritious plant expert) China, Li Yun-Ching, can be up to 256 years old and stay in shape for every day eating leaf and stem crude antanan. Chinese community believe, contain a chemical compound useful in antanan leaf, equivalent to a lingzhi fungus and ginseng root.
In the book "Drugs native to Indonesia" Dr. Seno Sastroamijoyo composition (1962), described that antanan has the highest efficacy of medicinal plants. Serves to strengthen the stomach and increase appetite, wound medicine, cough and flu, upset stomach and intestinal worms, cleans the blood, even blood-urinary medicine and ulceration due to syphilis.
H Unus Suriawiria senior lecturer of biotechnology and agro-industry observer ITB
In traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal plants antanan occupies the top spot, in addition to lingzhi mushrooms or ginseng, for its ability to treat many diseases. In fact, an herbalist (nutritious plant expert) China, Li Yun-Ching, can be up to 256 years old and stay in shape for every day eating leaf and stem crude antanan. Chinese community believe, contain a chemical compound useful in antanan leaf, equivalent to a lingzhi fungus and ginseng root.
Antanan (Centella asiatica) has quietly become the main innate those who travel to mainland China in various forms, ranging from powder to the already packed so pills and capsules.
Antanan medicinal plants that are reportedly efficacious powerful body of work to restore the system, lowering cholesterol and blood sugar, stabilizing the body's hormones work, so they can make a person live longer because of health and fitness awake.
Antanan a chronic herbaceous plant, grows wild in moist soil, such as the dike, ditch banks, or cliffs soil. Trunked creeping, producing many branches, and forming clumps.
Once these medicinal plants are found in-vinegar salad with keratan vegetables and other tubers. Now, although in limited numbers, can still be found for the fresh vegetable in house dining a la Sunda. Farmers also often eat them as a friend to lunch in the fields because antanan including a popular type of fresh vegetable and efficacious to maintain health. Penyantapnya so rare seasonal disease, such as flu, fever, and even coughing.
In the book "Indonesian medicinal plants" arrangement Hembing Wijayakusuma (1992), antanan, Centella asiatica, "ji xue cao" contain medicinal compounds, such as asiaticoside (triterpenoids), karotenoids, madasiatika acid, mesoinositol, as well as a line of mineral salts useful. No wonder this plant is used in many regions of Asia and Africa to ward off the disease of leprosy, measles, hepatitis, fever, bronhitis, tonsillitis, heavy metal poisoning, vomiting blood, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, as well as appetite enhancer.
In traditional Chinese medicine, antanan occupies the top spot, in addition to lingzhi mushrooms or ginseng, for its ability to treat many diseases. In fact, an herbalist (nutritious plant expert) China, Li Yun-Ching, can be up to 256 years old and stay in shape for every day eating leaf and stem crude antanan. Chinese community believe, contain a chemical compound useful in antanan leaf, equivalent to a lingzhi fungus and ginseng root.
In the book "Drugs native to Indonesia" Dr. Seno Sastroamijoyo composition (1962), described that antanan has the highest efficacy of medicinal plants. Serves to strengthen the stomach and increase appetite, wound medicine, cough and flu, upset stomach and intestinal worms, cleans the blood, even blood-urinary medicine and ulceration due to syphilis.
H Unus Suriawiria senior lecturer of biotechnology and agro-industry observer ITB
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Creating Longevity,
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