Kool can be processed into food that is delicious enough on-call zuurkool. Making through the process of lactic fermentation. To obtain high-quality zuurkool, a vehicle used during the fermentation process must be made of plastik.Suasana fermentation takes place in anaerobic conditions. most importantly, good quality materials used and clean.
Zuurkool can be drunk as a beverage that contains vitamin C, besides it can also be saved in the longer term. Products from kool obtained by fermentation has a distinctive aroma, taste sour and slightly salty.
Kool can not be stored OLD
kool is not durable when stored longer because the effect of physiologic changes, mechanical, physical, chemical and mikrobiologik so fast decay. Moreover, when the harvest abundant, so much is wasted while waiting for transportation.
Although there are tips on packaging style Barstagi farmers, but not all farmers do such a thing. Brastagi that exporters become wind-wind kool, cut the base down a little and a few outer leaves discarded. When not sweating anymore, do pembedakan with calcium oxide at the bottom of the base, then aerated again on bamboo racks. For the first exported wrapped with newspaper inserted into the new five pound cargo bag (Trubus No. 283 1993).
To cope with decay decay in addition to packing a la Brastagi kool, its processing can be done simply by fermentation. With the production of its kool zuurkool that have been harvested can be utilized as a food product, and not just as a vegetable course. As a result the farmers do not feel disappointed again the result of his farming, and this product can be stored in a relatively long time.
Kool is meant here is kool that can form a head shaped like an egg. The ideal place to grow for sandy clay kool is enough organic material, although able to grow in all soil types. Desired soil pH of 5.5 to 6.5 and best in the cold air region. Kool including the species Brassica oleracea, family Cruciferae. Kool ckup which have been cultivated many kinds, but which have been tried for the manufacture of Brassica oleracea var zuurkool is Bulata DC, better known as white kool (Fitriani 1987).
Composition of white kool:
They contain substances such as water vapor 92%, carbohydrate 5.4%, protein 1.3%, fat 0.2%, vitamin C, 0.04%; caroten 0.0005% 0.0004% thiamin; ribovlavin 0, 0002%; potassium 3%, calcium 0.67%; chlorine 0.053%, magnesium 0.03%, iron 0.005%, phosphorus 0.004%, 0.0016% sodium (Source: Food science in 1976).
Zuurkool made of kool by adding salt as much as 2.5 percent. In the manufacture of fermented lactic incident happened naturally because of the sugar and lactic acid bacteria, which naturally has been found in the leaves of these kool.
Having chosen a good kool, outer leaves removed and chopped fine. so homogeneous, then the leaves are rough and his heart removed as well. Slicing is done as gently as possible, so that fermentation-tation evenly. Kool has been added to table salt sliced as much as 2.5 percent by weight of finely kool. Then stir until evenly distributed and put into a clean plastic bucket, a container was used during the fermentation process going.
The atmosphere must be anaerobic fermentation (without air), because the microorganisms that will grow not require oxygen for growth. to the fermentation containers need to be closed so that an anaerobic atmosphere. Materials that have been inserted into the fermentation bucket, first pressed to remove air that exist between kool soft.
Fermentation bucket covered with plastic, and plastic is poured into the water to keep the atmosphere in airtight bucket. after a week left, then checked acidity. Fermentation can be continued until the acidity of 1.5 percent. Products can be eaten when fermentation is perfect. terciumnya is marked with its fragrant, sour and slightly salty flavor. If Juicenya tested with universal pH paper indicated pH of 3.5.
Zuurkool this as a beverage made of fresh or fresh pickles are also called. In Indonesia needed one another pickle recipe that is more suitable to the taste. / Example added with nuts, tofu, bean sprouts, and other spices including chilli.
Fermentation is a carbohydrate solution or organic substances by microorganisms with the aid of an enzyme under anaerobic conditions. Natural fermentation can occur if environmental conditions allow for salingtindak microorganisms with organic substances. Natural fermentation is very important for human life from the past until now. For example in the manufacture Tauco, tapai, vanile, randy, tempeh, cheese and other food products including zuurkool.
To zuurkool, in the beginning of fermentation that occurs because
the existence of bacteria that exist in the leaves of these kool. In leaf kool, kind mikoorganisme a role in the formation process there are three kinds zuurkool: Bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Lacto-
cucumerris bacillus, Lactobacillus pentoaceticus.
Leuconostoc mesenteroides bacteria will produce lactic acid, acetic acid, ethanol and carbon dioxide gas. Ethanol will react with acids to form esters that provide the fragrant scent of zuurkool. This bacteria works until the second day. Sign in or after the third day of acidity up to 1.0 percent, followed by bacterial fermentation of Lactobacillus cucumerris, until the acidity reaches 1.5 percent or on the fourth day. Followed again by Lactobacillus fermentation pentoaceticus that produce lactic acid alone until day eight. This mechanism proposed by Desrosier (1977).
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